Thursday, October 29, 2009

How to Comment!

Hello Readers!

I'm not giving a tutorial on giving comments as a hint to comment, but it has come to my attention that some of my readers (I LOVE SAYING THAT!) don't comment because they either don't know they can and/or don't know how. Receiving commnents are really encouraging because it tells me that I'm not just typing my thoughts into cyberspace and that people actually read this stuff. ;)

Steps to Commenting
1. read the post
2. at the end of the post there is a link that looks like this: 0 comments (sometimes the number is greater than 0, but so far it really is 0 comments)- click on this link!
3. there is a box entitled "leave your comment". Write in this box
4. there is a rectangular box with random characters above it. In the rectangular box, type in the characters above it
5. Choose the ID that best represents you. If you have a google account, sign in to leave a comment. If not, click "anonymous", and be sure to write your name in the comment box so I know who you are!
6. Click "publish your comment"
7. Yay for commenting!

I hope this was helpful!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I like the look of the blog. And nice step by step directions for making posts. It's so easy I can do it!


    For everyone who hasn't heard yet, today is Hannah's first day at work!!!
