Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year From the Newly Weds!

Happy New Year Everybody!

We hope 2010 is a great year for all of you. Just a few highlights from 2009:

-Andy graduated from UW-EC with his B.A. in Psychology
-We got MARRIED! :D

-Hannah started full time as a nanny for an amazing family! They were such a blessing, and I miss those kiddos so much!
-Andy's best friend got married- it was so much fun seeing college friends and being able to share in their special day!

-The never-ending job search began for both Andy and I. I was looking for a part-time job, and Andy was looking for ONE full time job. This time was extremely stretching for us, but through it, our reliance on and trust in God grew, and our relationship continued to strengthen.
-Hannah got to visit some family in Ohio- the road trip with my sister, R was really great, and it was so much fun to be able to spend a weekend with my sister, brother-in-law, and nieces. It was sooooo much fun!

-Hannah got a job! It has been an amazing blessing for us, and I thoroughly LOVE my job! God's timing and providence was always.

-Andy got a job! And, as of today, a promotion to supervisor!
-Hannah teamed up with the Creative Arts staff at church and helped with the Christmas Pageant. It was so much fun to watch the little kids be little kids. One of my favorite parts was during rehearsal when my "niece" M, decided to walk on stage and entertain us by singing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star", complete with hand motions. Too cute!

We have been so blessed by our time with family and friends this holiday season. Hannah is enjoying the break from school, and is eagerly anticipating graduation on May 22, 2010! Andy loves his job, and enjoys not working three jobs. :) We love being married and seeing how God works in and through us. I have an amazing husband who spoils me, and even though I don't think I spoil him nearly enough, he might have something different to say about that.

Happy New Year!


  1. Cute blog! I like your new years update - it's nice to hear what you've been up to! Hope to see you in PERSON soon ;) - Josie

  2. awesome update guys. i too, hope to see you two soon (nice use of to, huh?) ill all you guys soon, love -dan
