Thursday, January 7, 2010


I just need to get this off my chest:

Why do we complain so much about the weather? When the sun is sending down some warm love rays, we complain it is too hot. When the snow is dancing around in the sky, we complain it is too cold. When it rains, we complain because we have to stay inside. When it is windy, we complain because it is inconvenient.

God puts thought into each day.

I understand that when it is snowing, below zero, and there is ice on the roads, that driving isn't so much fun. But is the weather really crappy? I mean think about it- does God create crappy things?

I catch myself several times saying things like "the weather is really crappy today" or "it took me FOREVER to get to work today because of the stupid snow" or "its FREEZING outside- I wish it would warm up already!" I don't think this really displays a content heart. I think it displays a heart that wants things on my terms and timing. There are so many small areas like this in all of our lives. We might just brush them aside saying really, something as small as my attitude towards the weather doesn't affect me as a person or my relationship with God. But, I think it does. Its when the little things like this add up into something big, and we suddenly wonder where the appalling thing we just said came from, or how in the world could we have done something like this?

In a world that thrives on instant gratification, not a lot of room is left over for contentment and thankfulness. I feel extremely challenged to start looking at things from a renewed perspective. Let's take the weather for example....Wow, it is GORGEOUS outside! And to think, all of these snowflakes are different...I truly serve an amazing and creative God.


  1. Bah! Humbug!

    srsly, this was convicting.


  2. I agree! Thanks for the challenge. If you get a spare moment from school and work =) read the autobiography of George Mueller. SOOOOOO good, convicting, challenging and encouraging to my walk right now. Love you!
