Thursday, October 29, 2009

How to Comment!

Hello Readers!

I'm not giving a tutorial on giving comments as a hint to comment, but it has come to my attention that some of my readers (I LOVE SAYING THAT!) don't comment because they either don't know they can and/or don't know how. Receiving commnents are really encouraging because it tells me that I'm not just typing my thoughts into cyberspace and that people actually read this stuff. ;)

Steps to Commenting
1. read the post
2. at the end of the post there is a link that looks like this: 0 comments (sometimes the number is greater than 0, but so far it really is 0 comments)- click on this link!
3. there is a box entitled "leave your comment". Write in this box
4. there is a rectangular box with random characters above it. In the rectangular box, type in the characters above it
5. Choose the ID that best represents you. If you have a google account, sign in to leave a comment. If not, click "anonymous", and be sure to write your name in the comment box so I know who you are!
6. Click "publish your comment"
7. Yay for commenting!

I hope this was helpful!

Overdue Update!

Sorry for the delay in posting! The last two weeks have been nuts with school and job searching! An update on the job search:

Andy: We received a letter in the mail saying that there are not enough positions available at this time to offer a training class for the Correctional Officer position. Frustrating at first, but comforting knowing that God has a plan for us, and right now that isn't part of it. Andy's been on the hunt for a full-time position, but in the mean time, he's picking up a paper route. Thank you, husband for how hard you work to meet our needs!

Hannah: Well, this week started off with a rejection e-mail from a retail store for a seasonal position...I just had to laugh. Somehow, I was unqualified for a seasonal position at a retail store...I said to myself "I have reached the epitomy of my job search! This is so ridiculous, it's hilarious!" However, I received a call from a company I had interviewed at for a secretarial position on Tuesday. They called to ask if I'd be interested in meeting with them to discuss a full-time position opportunity within their company. Um YES?! Based off my original interview, they are confident I would be able to fulfill the duties of the position within 25-30 hours. We're having a lunch meeting at noon on Monday, so please be praying!

I have a cool verse/passage to share, but I'm in class right now (sneaky, I know!) so I'll have to share later!

Have a great Thursday! :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Despite Chaos.....

Hello my Faithful Readers!

Wow-ca-zow. The last week or so has been NUTS! Ups and downs have been quite extreme, but through it all, God's peace remains. Between finding out again that a job I interviewed for has already been filled to experience complete restoration in a rocky relationship, this last week has been full of surprises! I've been challenged to put into practice the well-known verse "do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7. However, as I was looking at this passage today, I was looking at verse 5. "Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near."

Wow. Despite my circumstances, I need to be a bright, shining light of gentleness. I love the concept of gentleness. Sometimes, we mistakenly equalize "gentleness" with timidness or weak-minded. But having a gentle spirit during a trying time requires a vast amount of strength that only comes from the Lord. I have been challenged to live this way despite our financial situation, how demanding school is for me, or work for Andy, despite sickness or sorrow....I am to let my gentleness be evident to all.

Thanks you Jesus for Your Word!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Happy Monday!

Laughable moment: I made a to-do list last night, and couldn't find it this morning. Pure ridiculousness!

Okay...I think I'm one of those weird people who actually LIKES Mondays. I think I see it as a challenge to have a postivie outlook and influence on the commonly dreaded day of the week. Sometimes I worry about myself- I get a weird high off of realizing I've conquered "the mondays"...I'm joyful and in awe/appreciation of my's a pretty sweet feeling!

Update on Andy: He's been in the process of applying for a Correctional Officer postion through the state of WI. We really believe God has His hand on this situation. Andy did really well throughout all phases of the interview, and was expecting a phone call on Friday about whether or not he wouold be placed. But, the state has decided to postpone the hiring process until the end of October. Kind of disappointing, but like I previously stated, God has His hand on our lives, and we know that nothing is out of His control.

Update on Hannah: I'm close the the middle of my last fall semester at UW-Eau Claire! HALLELUJAH! I'm so thankful and excited to be so close to having my BA in Public Communication! And, here is the question I've been asked a thousand times a week since starting this semester: What are you going to do after graduation? Well, I'm so glad you asked! Here is my current answer (please note, I have every right to change my mind/realize this may or may not be what God has planned): apply for my substitute teaching license to use in the Eau Claire Area School District unless I find a full time position somewhere else. Secondly, I'm praying through this idea, but feel lead to just put it out there (please be nice...I'm being REALLY vulnerable) I want to go into women's ministry and Biblically counsel women one-on-one. I also plan to pursue becoming a conference speaker. Please join me in prayer, as I am starting to think this might be "IT"...what I was created to exciting! :)

Alrighty, well that's probably enough updating for everyone...I wish you all a very happy Monday! :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy Fall!

Fall is here...officially, with gusts of wind and cold mornings. But, I love it! I love sweatshirt weather, and it's definitely sweatshirt weather right now. Waking up with a cup of coffee or tea has become something I look forward to when getting up for the day. There really isn't any other feeling quite like it...being warmed up from the inside out.

Today I was reminded of how God works in us from the inside out. He convicts us of sin in our hearts, and when we truly repent, not only does an inward change occur, but so does an outward change.

I've really been battling lonliness and apathy this last month...until I realized (for the 500th time) that my joy and contentment NEEDS to come from God. Not only does true joy and contentment come from Him, but I must realize my need for those things to come from Him. Otherwise, I am fighting a losing battle.

God is so good! For those of you in the Eau Claire area, you should come to Harvestime Church on Monday, Oct 5 at 6:30 pm. I've been given the opportunity to share my story of what God has done in my life, and I would love for you to be able to hear it!

I hope you're all enjoying this change in the weather as much as I am!